44 ideas for blog content that you can use on your business website right away!
Source: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/content-marketing-plan
According to Neil Patel, a content marketing guru, these are the top 5 blog formats that attract the most attention:
- List Posts: e.g. These of numbered blog posts that highlights a list of items as seen in this example: 31 things never to flush down your toilet
- Guide posts: e.g. These are the flagship or signature pieces of content on a blog, generally longer in length and comprehensive in nature – check out some examples here: Advanced Content Marketing Guide
- Infographic posts: e.g. Data or lists of items visualized in graphic form such as the one above or another example is one we made for our company
- Case study testimonial posts: e.g. Make an influencer/consultant/business look amazing by following their advice successfully and then blogging about it – here is an example “Case Study: From $0 to $27,000 / month” showcasing a student’s success story applying the business consultant’s advice
- Community minded posts: e.g. Collate, aggregate or slice and dice industry or community data and present it in an easy to consume and share format – Canuck Plumbing does a good job listing a great many of Windermere’s community spots here